
Er. Govind Jha
B.Tech NSUT (Delhi)
Motion, Kota
Er. Govind Jha , educator Since 2009 , Software Engineer 2006 to 2009
More than 1000 students from Delhi , Kota , chandigarh , Howrah , Bangalore , chennai , Mumbai , and students from other country USA and UAE , UK have got success in entrance exams like AP , IITJEE as well as Board exams , under my Guidance , I wish you best career at Vidyarthi Career institute
Below we’ve provided some info on how we work, and to help you choose course as your need
what is difference between monthly fee option and course fee option
Monthly fee option is only for school exam syllabus , with number of classes fixed for subjects per week , in course fee option number of classes is more than scheduled classes and it covers competitve exam preparation and classes to cover NTSE/OLYMPIAD/IIT/NEET Foundation study material , also syllabus for school exams finished much before the exams , so that student gets time to repeat it 3 to 4 times before the actual exam
How do I join test series program for class 12 + JEE Main?
To join this course first speak to our academic expert on this number to know how it can be helpful for you.
Phone Number: 7087448320
How do I join Mock Test for Board exam?
Mock test for Board (cbse/isc/wb) starts from October , registration process for Mock exam starts after 15th august , we provide option to choose timings and date in case it does not match with our schedule of exams
for registration details call on : 7087448320 after 15th aug...
Shall I prepare for JEE and Boards at the same time or shall I take a drop?
It depends how and when do you start preparation for Board and JEE Main. If you plan to appear in the JEE Main along with the Board you have to follow strategic planning and specialised course structure to help you cover the syllabus on time and give you enough time for revision and practise tests. If you are in class XII and you are planning to join JEE Coaching in mid of the session then you need to get expert advice from our academic team which will access you and then can suggest you what to do.
How can I score 100 percent in Boards and JEE Mains?
First of all you should believe that you can achieve it and share your target with teachers to get their feedback on your ambition. We have teachers under which guidance students have achieved more then 90% in their Board Exams and few of them have scored 100% also. What we have noticed in those students is that they were not so brilliant than others but being regular in classes and tests throughout the session helped them achieve 100% in their subjects.
Can I start preparation for IIT JEE from class VIII?
Preparation of IIT JEE needs conceptual learning and strong fundamentals so starting at early stage always keeps you ahead in competition. You can solve Olympiad papers from class VIII onwards where you will need expert teachers to help you solve such papers along with your school curriculum.
To prepare for Olympiad and KVPY solve last 10 years papers of these exams. It will help you to know the level of exam as well as your potential to crack the exam.